Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is the most common form of personal bankruptcy filed by individuals. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is known as Individual Liquidation, Liquidation Bankruptcy, or Straight Bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy is essentially where all of an individual’s unsecured debts are liquidated. The main purpose of filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is to discharge debts such as credit card debt, medical debts, car repossession, or home foreclosure judgments. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is mainly for those individuals who do not have a regular monthly income, or whose income is inadequate to pay their debts.
Illinois Bankruptcy Means Test
Since 2005, it has become increasingly difficult to file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy due to the changes in the bankruptcy code. The Current bankruptcy code requires that a means test must be completed to see if the basic requirements for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy are met. An Attorney at Bentz Law Firm, LLC will assist you in the means test process. Once the test is completed and eligibility established, an Illinois bankruptcy attorney at Bentz Law Firm will guide you through the process of filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
Illinois Bankruptcy Automatic Stay
When you file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, an order for relief goes into effect. This order for relief is known as the automatic stay. The automatic stay will quickly stop creditors from hassling you regarding:
Foreclosure |
Credit Card Debt |
Repossession |
Payday Loans |
IRS Debt |
Most other Debts |
Medical Bills |
Illinois Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Property Rights
Once you file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, any property you own is under the control of the bankruptcy courts. You will not be able to sell or give away any of the property you own, or pay off your pre-filing debts without consent of the court. At the conclusion of the bankruptcy process, your debts will be discharged by the court except debt such as child support, certain tax debts, student loans, and any other debt that the court has declared as non-dischargeable.
Contact A Chicago Chapter 7 Attorney for a Free Consultation:
On October 17, 2005, Bankruptcy Code made serious changes regarding Chapter 7 Bankruptcy filings. The new Bankruptcy Code has made the process longer, more expensive, and undeniably harder for individuals to liquidate debts than under the old law. For this reason it is highly recommended that you contact an experienced Chapter 7 Bankruptcy attorney. A practiced bankruptcy attorney can successfully help you navigate through the process and achieve your long term, debt free goals. Let us help you get a fresh start. Contact a Bentz Law Chicago Chapter 7 Bankruptcy attorney to schedule a free consultation online or by calling Attorney Jessica C. Bentz at (312)641-2233.